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  2. Pallet Rack Safety

Which racking standards does Damotech follow for racking assessments?

I.e. UK's SEMA, EN, or similar?

When performing a racking assessment, Damotech will follow all racking codes and standards applicable to a site’s geographical location. For example, the Canadian building code states that the design code for steel structures (CSA S16) must be respected, while on the American side, a design specification has been in place for more than 35 years. It used to be a recommendation given by the Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI), but as of 2012, it has become an approved National Standard (ANSI MH16.1). Since then, it has even been referenced in the International Building Code, which is used throughout the country.  


Although these codes outline the requirements for rack design, not much information is given when it comes to damage assessment. The usual recommendation for a damaged rack is to unload and isolate the affected areas and call a professional racking engineer to assess and recommend a course of action. At Damotech, our qualified engineers will assess all rack damages and conformity issues directly on-site. 


For damage assessment, our severity categorization is based on 35+ years of experience in the racking industry, recommendations from OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and government health and safety organizations across Canada, the US, and Europe. Such organizations include the Quebec CNESST (Commission on workplace standards, fairness, health, and safety), Ontario MOL (Ministry of Labour), WorkSafe BC, RMI, and FEM (European Materials Handling Federation). 


Assessing “conformity to code” usually means inspecting non-damage issues such as the plumbness of the racks, presence of anchors, proximity to building structures, sprinkler clearance, and many other design-code requirements.  


We can also adapt our inspections to meet any internal regulations that a client may be implementing themselves. 

To learn more on rack compliance and how to get ready for a racking audit, download your own copy of the Rack Compliance ebook: https://www.damotech.com/rack-compliance-ebook-lp